Electrolyzer Water Aparat za elektrolizu vode elektrolizer

1.590 рсд

Electrolyzer Water Aparat za elektrolizu vode elektrolizer

Electrolyzer Water Electrolysis Apparatus TDS Water Quality Testing 220V 
Elektrolizer vode je tester koji elektrolizom izdvaja rastvorljive supstance iz vode. One dolaze na površinu vode i plutaju. Tako možemo i golim okom da vidimo neke supstance koje pijemo (teške metale, naftu, itd). Ima 4 elektroliticne sipke (2 prohromske i 2 aluminijumske) i ima mogucnost da se dve vrste tecnosti testiraju odjednom. Testiranjem vode se javljaju necistoce razlicitih boja zuta, zelena, braon, bela, crna i plava. Samo zuta boja pokazuje da je voda za pice.   Tim nijansama se kasnije utvrdjuje koje zagadjenje poseduje voda u vecini. Koristi se u svim industrijama vode gde je neophodno ispitati kvalitet kao i za ispitivanje vode u bazenima, bunarima itd.   Vreme testiranja je 30 sekundi.   Potrebno je staviti dve case na stolu jednu pored druge i u obe sipati vodu koju zelite da testirate. Nakon toga uronite po dve elektrode u svaku casu i ukljucite u struju i pritisnete prekidac na ON. Uredjaj poseduje i zastitu od elektro udara tako da ne moze pregoreti. Vodu ne treba dirati dok je uredjaj ukljucen niti uranjati metalne predmete tokom rada. Najtacniji i najprecizniji uredjaj za utvrdjivanje kvaliteta vode. How to use:
1. ready to test the water – take two capacity of 100 to 150 ml of white glass, take a cup of water, RO machine pick another cup
of water, and discharge on the table.
2. ready to test – the electrolyzer flat on the glass, 220-volt power plug.
3. test – the power button on the electrolysis
Press the ON (open) position, begin testing.
4. Typically the test time is 30 seconds. At the end, turn the power switch is pressed to the OFF (OFF) position,
and finally remove the electrolyzer. Testing Analysis Results:
Yellow: dissolve Sanso, silicon compounds, organic minerals, molybdenum, silicon, fluoride, other organics
Green: arsenic (arsenic), mercury, lead, copper, sodium
Blue: bacteria, viruses, carcinogens, organic phosphorus (fertilizers, detergents and pesticides)
Red: iron and rust, bacteria
White: lead, zinc, mercury, inorganic dirt
Black: heavy metals (zinc, lead, copper, chromium, manganese, cadmium)Water quality standards to measure:
Does not contain any harmful substances and odors (especially heavy metals and organic compounds).
Softness and hardness of water, usually between 50-200mg / L (as calcium carbonate).
PH value between weakly alkaline (7.0-8.0).
Water and trace elements, and the proportion of moderate mineral content, similar to the normal liquid;
Dissolved oxygen and carbon dioxide content of moderate (dissolved oxygen ≥6-7mg / L).
Water stronger nutritional physiological functions (including dissolution, penetration, diffusion capacity, metabolic power, emulsifying power, clean power, etc. ). Security Warning:
When powered on, the hand can not touch the electrode; finger does not insert into the test water;
do not let children play electrolyzer.
Finished, clean electrode with a dry cloth , and safekeeping.
The tester can not be used to evaluate the quality of mineral water, because when using the measurement of mineral water,
mineral water and other contaminants may also be some chemical reactions in the water, will give users a miscarriage of justice.
Do not use a metal container to test. Specifications:
Main Color: Black
Net Weight: 153g

Electrolyzer Water Aparat za elektrolizu vode elektrolizer
